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E. Chandler
University of Toronto
Eliza Chandler is a PhD candidate in the department of Humanities, Social Science, and Social Justice Education, OISE/UT, where she holds a SSHRC fellowship. Her Research explores enactments of the crip community in university life. Chandler teaches
disability studies at the University of Toronto and Ryerson University. She is also the Toronto-site coordinator for Project Re•Vision. Her most recent publication is Interactions of Disability Pride and Shame in The Female Face of Shame.
C. Rice
University of Guelph
Carla Rice is a Canada Research Chair at University of Guelph. A leader in the field of fat and embodiment studies in Canada, her research explores cultural representations and narratives of body and identity. She recently founded Project Re•Vision, a mobile
media lab that works with communities to challenge stereotypes. Books include Gender and Women’s Studies in Canada: Critical Terrain, and the forthcoming Becoming Women: The Embodied Self in Image Culture.
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