Misconceptions of the Deaf: Giving voice to the voiceless


  • D. R. Terry Department of Rural Health, The University of Melbourne
  • Q. Lê Dr Quynh Lê’s current research interest deals with the social determinants of health, food security and intercultural aspects of health in Australia. With an emerging interest in population health, her research focuses on food security, migrants’ wellbeing and social disadvantages in health care. She has well-developed quantitative and qualitative research skills. She has over 150 publications (research books, chapters, journal articles, and conference proceedings), several research grants in these areas, and has been invited by international research organisations to review research.
  • H. B. Nguyen Faculty of Education, University of Tasmania
  • C. Malatzky Department of Rural Health, The University of Melbourne




Health, medical, Deaf, misconceptions, assumptions



The Deaf usually do not see themselves as having a disability; however, discourses and social stereotyping continue to portray the Deaf rather negatively. These discourses may lead to misconceptions, prejudice and possibly discrimination. A study was conducted to identify the challenges members of the Deaf community experience accessing quality health care in a small Island state of Australia. Using a qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews and focus groups were conducted with service providers and the Deaf community. Audist discourses of deafness as deficiency, disability and disease remain dominant in contemporary society and are inconsistency with the Deaf community’s own perception of their reality. Despite the dominant constructions of deafness and their affect on the Deaf’s experience of health service provision, many Deaf have developed skills, confidence and resilience to live in the hearing world. The Deaf were pushing back on discourses that construct deafness as a disempowering impairment.



Daniel is a Research Fellow and has a PhD that focused on the health and wellbeing of International Medical Graduates and their acculturation into rural and remote contexts. He also has a Masters of International Health and a passion for health and wellbeing in rural settings, which extends to international and global health issues. He has a background in Nursing and has an interest in Critical Discourse Analysis and has been involved in several projects concerning health workforce, food security, health literacy, primary health care access and chronic ill health.   


Dr Quynh Lê is a senior lectuer the Centre for Rural Health at University of Tasmania. She


Dr.Hoang Boi Nguyen is director of Australian Academic and Research Advancement services. She was previously a unit coordinator in the Master of Education (TESOL) program at University of Tasmania.


Dr Christina is a Research Fellow in Culture and Rural Health at The University of Melbourne. She is also the Graduate Research Coordinator at the Department of Rural Health and a member of the Executive Committee of Australia’s national peak Association for Sociologists, The Australian Sociological Association. Her background is in gender relations and discourses of contemporary femininities and maternities. Her work draws on Foucauldian feminist frameworks to analyse movements of power and discourse to explore the formation of subjectivities. Her current research interests include discourses of rural health, power relations in rural health, the cultures of rural health services, inclusive health care practice and gender relation in rural medicine and health care systems.  


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