Health, Culture and Society

Health, Culture and Society has ceased publication, and this site is no longer accepting submissions.


Dr. David Reggio, MicroGravity Centre, PUC-RS, Brazil


Professor Dr. Thais Russomano, MicroGravity Centre / Kings College London

Prof. Dr. Paulo Duarte Amarante, National school of Public Health (ENSP), The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil

Dr. Daniel Terry, Department of Rural Health
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, University of Melbourne

Dr. Katie Aubrecht, Mount Saint Vincent University, Nova Scotia Centre on Aging / President Elect of the Canadian Disability Studies Association

Dr. Dominique Behague, Department of Anthropology, Brunel University, United Kingdom / Institute of Tropical Medicine, UCL, London

Dr. Upendra Bhojani, IPH: Institute of Public Health, Bangalore, India

Prof. Dr. Howard Caygill, CRMEP / F.A.S.S, Kingston University, United Kingdom / Paris VIII

Dr. Sarah Dorrington, The Maudsley Hospital, Institute of Psychiatry, United Kingdom

Prof. Dr. Carlos Estellita-Lins, ICICT, Health, Science and Technology Institute, The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil

Prof.Dr. Monica Greco, Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths College, University of London

Prof. Dr. Siri Hettige, Department of Sociology, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka,

Dr. Bernard Jouanjean, School of Preventive Medicine, College de France, France

Dr. Richard Nisbett, School of Public and Global Health, University of South Florida

Dr. Mauricio Novello, Puy Psychiatric Hospital, France

Dr. Josefien van Olmen, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium

Dr. Paulo Tarso Peixoto, Center for Psycho-Social Services (CAPS), Macae, RJ, Brazil

Dr. Odilon Poli, Directorate, Unochapeco, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Dr. NS Prashanth, IPH: Institute of Public Health, Bangalore, India

Dr. Laavanyan Michael Ratnapalan, Center for South Asian Studies, Cambridge University, United Kingdom / Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea

Dr. Meg Stalcup, Center for Biological Futures, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center / Department of Anthropology, University of Washington

Dr. Stéphane Verguet, Department of Global Health, University of Washington


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