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Lamaison Marqui, H., Guyane Promo Santé - IREPS French Guiana (NGO) (French Guiana)
Langdon, E J, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) (Brazil)
Lê, Q., Dr Quynh Lê’s current research interest deals with the social determinants of health, food security and intercultural aspects of health in Australia. With an emerging interest in population health, her research focuses on food security, migrants’ w (Australia)
Lefèvre, G., Independent Researcher (France)
Legrip-Randriambelo, O., Université Lyon 2, Centre de Recherches et d'Etudes Anthropologiques (France)
Leksowski, K., Department of General, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, the Military Clinical Hospital, Powstańców, Warsaw, Poland. (Poland)
Lenette, C., University of New South Wales (Australia)
Lennox, N. G., University of Queensland (Australia)
Leser, K. A., Graduate Student The Ohio State University College of Public Health Division of Health Behavior and Health Promotion
Lucas, H, Institute for Development Studies, Brighton (United Kingdom)
Lundgren, B., Umeå University, Sweden (Sweden)
Lurie, S G, University of North Texas Health Science Center (United States)
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ISSN 2161-6590 (Online)