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Manuel, H. B., Centre of Studies on Migrations and Intercultural Relations (CEMRI), Universidade Aberta (UAb), Lisbon, Portugal (Portugal)
Mao, A., Institute of Medical Information, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (China)
Marchal, B, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp (Belgium)
Marcus, D. (Australia)
Maulana, A O, Red Cross Society, Nairobi, Kenya (Kenya)
McCabe, D (Belgium)
McCabe, David A. (Belgium)
Mckay, F., The University of Chicago (United States)
McMellon, C., Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
Meessen, B, Institute for Tropical Medicine, Antwerp (Belgium)
Men, C, University Research Co. LLT. Cambodia (Cambodia)
Mishra, Arima, Institute of Public Health, Bangalore, India (India)
Mishra, T, Public Health Resource Network (PHRN) (India)
Morgan, J. H., Senior Fellow in the Behavioral Sciences Foundation House/Oxford (UK) Karl Mannheim Professor of the History & Philosophy of the Social Sciences Graduate Theological Foundation (USA) (United States)
Morrison, S., University of North Carolina (United States)
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ISSN 2161-6590 (Online)