A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
Rakotomalala, O. (Madagascar)
Raman, S., Sydney and South Western Sydney Local Health Districs (Australia)
Ramos, N., Universidade Aberta (UAb), Lisbon, Portugal, Centre of Studies on Migrations and Intercultural Relations (CEMRI) (Portugal)
Rao, M., University of East London, London, UK. (United Kingdom)
Rashed, M. A., Dr Mohammed Abouelleil Rashed Postdoctoral Research Fellow Department of Psychiatry University of Pretoria Pretoria South Africa (South Africa)
Reggio, D, Unochapeco, Santa Catarina, Brazil, CRMEP, University of Kingston, London, UK (United Kingdom)
Reggio, D, University of the Western Territories, (Unochapeco), Santa Catarina State, Brazil / Goldsmiths College, University of London (Brazil)
Reggio, David
Reggio, David, University of the Western Territories, (Unochapeco), Santa Catarina State, Brazil (Brazil)
Regnier, D., London School of Econmics (LSE) (United Kingdom)
Rice, C., University of Guelph
Roberts, J., University of Maryland-College Park (United States)
Rose, I S, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) (Brazil)
Rosiek, A., Anna Rosiek is a researcher with Ross-Medica S.C (Poland)
Rutherford, S., Griffith University (Australia)
Shaibi, G.
Shipp, M. P-L, Walden University (United States)
Singh, P. V., Oxford Policy Management (OPM), New Delhi, India (India)
Singh, S., School of Public Health PGIMER Chandigrah INDIA (India)
Sinha, A. K., Panjab University (India)
Sinky, T. H., Oregon State University
Skinner, D, Capital University (United States)
Söderfeldt, Y., Institute for History, Theory and Ethics in Medicine, University Hospital, RWTH Aachen University (Germany)
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ISSN 2161-6590 (Online)